Every article must be accompanied by a statement to the effect that the article has not been published before and that it will not be submitted to any other journal before a decision has been reached by NJIRM. Authors must attach a signed statement indicating that if the manuscript is accepted for publication in the journal, the copyright will be held by NJIRM
The Editor in Chief
Authors Declaration and Copyright Form
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has not been sent for publication for any other journal and will not be done so before hearing about the decision of the editorial board of this is the original work done by us/me. The author(s) warrant(s) that the article contains not libelous or unlawful statements and does not infringe on the right of the others. If excerpts from copy righted works include the author(s) has/ have obtained or will obtain written permission from the copyright owners and will credit the sources of the article.
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Note : This from should be filled and signed by all authors and mail to njirmeditor@gmail.com (Scanned copy)
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